10 Questions to Ask When Choosing a New School

Moving to a new home often means moving your children to a new school district. You may be wondering, “What are the biggest factors in choosing a school?”

As former students ourselves, we may feel test scores are not everything. Research agrees! In one extensive study highlighted in a recent NPR Education article, researchers found that there often are factors that outweigh academics.

As a parent choosing a new school, you may want to consider some of the questions asked in the study plus some other important factors:

  1. Do I want my child to go to public, private, or charter school?
  2. Does the school have all of the necessary accreditations?
  3. How far away is the school from home?
  4. Will I require extended hours to accommodate care before or after school?
  5. What extracurricular activities are available?
  6. How new is the school’s facilities, equipment, and technology?
  7. How does the school handle children with different learning styles or special needs?
  8. What is the student-teacher ratio?
  9. How are behavior problems handled?
  10. How does the school stay in communication with parents?

Group Of Elementary Age Schoolchildren Running Outside








In picking your home and a school, you are also picking a community. As your children make friends at school, you’ll find that the parents of these children may become your new social circle as well. Get out into the community and talk to other parents. They are likely to have insight and opinions that may weigh into your decision.

Don’t wait! Call our office today, 603-668-7933 and see what communities are available. Get your child enrolled before the new school year begins!